| 4 bedrooms, 170sqm of terraced Euro
n1108 4 bedroom, 170sqm, stone structure built around the 1900s in Lanciano center, habitable, with vaulted ceilings and terrace.
Property for sale in Lanciano , Chieti Province, Central Italy. "> |
Lanciano, Abruzzo. 4 bedroom, 170sqm, stone structure built around the 1900s in Lanciano center, habitable, with vaulted ceilings and terrace. Located in the historic center of Lanciano, a busy, typical, Italian city with many tourist attractions including a Cathedral built on a bridge, a Eucharistic Miracle, mediaeval re-enactments (mastrogiurato) and 10 minutes drive to the beach. Around every hour there is a direct bus to Rome, and trains / buses to the beach. This property offers a lot of space for the price, and seems structurally sound and dry on 3 floors. The roof needs checking, and some doors and windows need restoring. There are two bathrooms connected to the sewage and there was electricity and water connected (easy to re-connect). The property is poorly presented, very dirty and full of pigeons. With a little imagination there is a fantastic town house at an interesting price. |